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Africa On The Square 2015 was a huge success


Africa On The Square 2015 was a huge success

With attendance up by almost 50%, the second Africa On The Square event was a huge success. Scheduled to happen in London’s Trafalgar Square every October, in coincides perfectly with Black History Month. One of the biggest criticisms of the way Africa is normally presented in the mass media, is that everything is focused on the negative. Africa On The Square is all about the positive and its popularity is increasing. Africa Fashion spoke exclusively with organiser, Sandrine Herbert Razafinjato – at the highest vantage point over Trafalgar Square.

“Working with the Mayor of London, we have put together a great programme for Africa On The Square“, Sandrine told us. “With fashion, catwalk shows, music, entertainers, face painters, food and much more”.

“And it’s all free!”, she added.

Last year’s inaugural event attracted 20,000 people. This year’s crowd was clearly bigger, estimated to be closer to 30,000 – with stalls all around the periphery of Trafalgar Square and a massive stage right in the centre.

Our interview with Sandrine and a gallery of cool shots below, should convince you to come along to next year’s event. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit the African Market in Old Spitalfields on the last Saturday of every month.

Let us know what you think over on Facebook and have a look through our gallery of shots from this year’s event.


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