FunkyNChunky empowering through fashion

Africa On The Square is the largest celebration of African culture in the UK and this years’ event was bigger than ever. With dozens of specialist stalls presenting their wares, we spent hours looking for the most interesting companies and, in FunkyNChunky, we found one that’s definitely worth highlighting.
Started a year ago by Sonia Meggie, FunkyNChunky offers a range of handmade bags and statement jewellery from Africa, but with a difference. Sonia’s business model is dedicated to improving the lives of children in Ghana and South West London.
This resonates with Africa Fashion’s own business ethics, so we asked Sonia for more information.
“Although it takes a lot of my time, this is not my full time job”, she revealed. “My main business is Inspirational YOU, which provides a platform for young people, small businesses and professionals who are between roles to get together, to share what they have learned and inspire each other”.
“Specifically, I want to support and encourage female business owners – both where I live in South West London and back in Ghana”.
Sonia’s good works don’t end there. She is also part of the team that runs Race For Opportunity, dedicated to improving employment opportunities for ethnic minorities across the UK. It is the only race diversity campaign that has access to and influence over the leaders of the UK’s best known organisations.
For Africa On The Square, her focus was purely on fashion, with some very cool bags – all of which cost less than £40. You can find her latest designs on Etsy. Let us know what you think over on Facebook.
It was great to bump into such an inspirational character and we wish her will with all three of her careers!
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